Wednesday, September 14, 2011

202 days

Unfortunately, I don't have anything fun, or witty to talk about today, BUT I am going to a masquerade party tonight, but it's for a food review site, so... it's like a double edge sword, and alcohol will be there, which for my sake = excess bad calories.

I'm going to go have a wonderful time. I'm incredibly excited.

I always feel awkward at these events, because they're filled with some pretty people, and I think they feel uncomfortable when I'm around.

I have only one friend who is bigger than me, and more social than me, and the other day I saw where she ended up getting her feelings extremely hurt by some punk-ass jocks at a bar that she frequented. While your friends are always there to pump you up, and make you feel better about yourself, it just doesn't work 100%. I feel her pain. I've been there.. a few times, and it makes you bitter.

No wonder a lot of these obese people turn into recluses. They're treated horribly in public, so they don't WANT to get out of the house and walk, or go to the gym for fear of being made fun of. Dr. Phil has some stupid saying like, "It takes a 100 ata boys to erase the you're worthless comments..." or something along the lines of that.

I'm terribly happy to have an amazing friend going with me to the event tonight, and she knows how to talk to people without feeling uncomfortable, because I think she's oblivious to people's disgust. She's an amazing girl, because she is just so nice.

I'll have to have her take a picture of me, so I can have a before/after comparison on here.

Wish me luck.

BK bacon egg and cheese croissantwich (8.5) 340
Hashbrowns 1/2 a small(3) 125

Wendy's crispy chicken sandwich plain (8) 350
Small Chili (4.5) 220

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