Friday, September 9, 2011

207 Days

It's really sad when you have to take a half day from work just to be able to go home, and prepare a meal. It didn't kill me to take that half day, because I have vacation to burn before September 30th, so it was necessary, and it was dark and gloomy day, I had a headache, and was exhausted from lack of sleep.

Some how I pulled my back out this past weekend. *cough*bed*cough* Which has left me getting insufficient sleep, and feeling like crap in the morning.

Anyways, I made this delicious dinner on Thursday.

Parmesan baked pork chops, whole grain pasta, some Veggie Smart pasta sauce, and some baguette to complete the meal.

I think the husband jumped for joy when he saw me carrying in the baguette. It was sad, because he had to leave for work shortly after I got home. Part of me envisions him helping me cook, or prep, and us laughing while Sinatra is playing on our non-existent record player, and we're sipping some wine. It's that picturesque bull-crap that everyone envisions in their future husband.

I like my husband. I think he's cute. I remember coming home from work in North Carolina, and he'd be running about the kitchen baking with a towel slung over his shoulder like a working chef, or something.

The meal was ok... The Pork Chops were a bit tough, because of the cuts, but everything else was delish.


Life's be disheartening to me this week. I've been on the scourge for a nice little cocktail dress for a masquerade event coming up, but all these dresses I've been trying on look HIDEOUS on me. I look like I'm a round pregnant tube in these high waisted tragic dresses.


I should be kicking myself in the ass for neglecting the gym, but the fact is, I'm busy. I have been hoping for just ONE single day this week where I could sit at home and relax, but it hasn't happened. I've been busy assistant directing a play, setting up an art exhibit at the Houston House, and just a million other things. Paul gets agitated, because the house is a war zone, but I seriously do not get home until 9:30 in which I have to take a shower, and head to bed for the next day.

I'll be thankful when this play is over, so I can focus everything on me, and how I can make myself feel better. I am happy now, but I would be happier if I didn't have to shove junk down my throat to keep my stomach happy throughout the week. I have been missing this whole "cooking" thing.


BK Bacon egg and cheese croissantwich (8.5)
Hashbrowns Small (6)


Undecided... I've been scanning over a bunch of different fast food nutritional options, and my stomach still hasn't decided. I should make a blog post on my findings. Some were surprising even for me.

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