Monday, October 24, 2011

162 days

I'm a pig on the weekend. I have the same mindset as someone starving after being stuck on an island for two years.

I made the turkey soft tacos on Friday, but the green bell pepper totally turned off the whole meal for me, and it made my stomach so upset that I ate four bites, then ate nothing else for the rest of the night. It wasn't bad turkey, or anything. There are certain foods that once I eat them, it just kills my entire appetite.

So... green bell pepper, seriously, I tried, but our food relationship is just not working out. At least it was free from work, so I can't complain like I wasted money.

I'm thinking something simple for dinner tonight. I just don't feel like cooking and prepping for an hour today. Besides it's another rainy, and gray day here. Now, baking pumpkin cookies is a strong maybe for tonight.

I never did get around to my jalapeno poppers, but I have all the stuff at home. It was another case of the "Great Pepper turnoff" from Friday. The thought of anything green, crunchy and bland made my stomach ill.

I found out that Chinese food is God AWFUL to eat...

I calculated my whole weekend up minus the chinese food.


Todd's Pizza--

Max & Erma's
370 <--- ONE freakin cookie right there.

Taco Bell--

Chinese Buffet--- ( probably 1,000 calories)

Adding up drinks, soda, and anything else I may have missed. It brings the weekend total to 4,500-5,000 calorie weekend. EEEK!


Banana nut Cheerios (100)
Milk (30)

Peppered turkey: 100
Colby Jack cheese (90)
2 slice whole wheat bread (120)
Baked chips (120)
Chocolate chip crisps (100) <--- Totally regretting, because I have massive heart burn now.

Cream of chicken soup (60)
Brown Rice (150)
Canned chicken (70)

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