Monday, October 10, 2011

176 days

My-oh-my, the days are starting to fly by.

My weekend was good. I had an art sale in Clintonville, and sold some pieces, so all is well in the world.

I quit the play this weekend. I told them I needed to focus on my health, and my home, which is true. I was so frustrated at the fact that I couldn't go to the gym, or I couldn't even cook a decent meal for my husband, who would come home and eat cereal for dinner.

I am relieved, and I feel like a great weight has been lifted off of my shoulder.

This weekend I saw pictures of myself at the art crawl, and I pretty much said, "These will never be seen, or spoken of again."

I messaged my personal trainer this morning in hopes that she'll e-mail me back a schedule of open time. Either way, I AM going to the gym tonight to at least work on the elliptical to build up some endurance.

I'm excited to be getting back on track. I've fallen off, or it's been quite wobbly these past couple weeks with my schedule. I'm thrilled I am able to fully focus on my health and my home responsibilities once more, which will make me and my husband happier. I am NEVER being that neglectful ever again.

I found out some amazing news from my art crawl, which also made my day. Besides a lot of people picking up my business cards, and me selling a couple things, I was offered a consignment deal by the owner of the store we sat up in front of... AND he wants me to come back and paint a design on his shop!! YAY!

Anyways, here's the goods for the day....

Golden grahams (3)
Milk (1)

Black pepper turkey sammich w/ provolone cheese and baked chips (11)
3 Oreos (3)

Chocolate Chip granola bar (4)

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