Friday, October 21, 2011

165 days

It's official, my butt is sore.

I'm totally liking the whole working out at 8 p.m. thing for the fact that NOBODY is at the gym at that time. My trainer I think is over ambitious, and I'm totally not understanding where he's coming from on his eating habits, but I suppose I'll learn. Like I had no idea I was suppose to eat a small protein thing about doing muscle training, so he suggested just a small thing of chocolate milk would be perfect.

I'm hoping this doesn't turn me into some beastly muscle woman.

The dude has me muscle training, which it's nice, because they're ALL over workouts and not just to one area, but then on top of that, he wants me to do cardio 3 times a week for 15 minutes.... I don't really know about that. I could do ten minutes for the days I come in on, but adding an extra day might be pushing it. :\ We'll see, though.

I discovered when I do weight training for my biceps, and triceps (curls), it totally makes my stomach upset. Thank-God, we did those exercises last.

I've also taken a liking to this whole "cooking" thing. Well, as long as it's things I can make and prepare in a timely manner. Has been my bible of recipes to try. They carry everything from dinners, appetizers, drinks, and desserts. I often come close to catching myself salivating at work, while looking at recipes for pumpkin cookies with a du leche topping. *dies*

I'm still a foodie somewhat, but I'm taking a step towards good instead of processed crap all of the time. One can only take eating meals of 50% meat, 40% cheese, and possibly some grains mixed in there before feeling like crap, and looking like crap.

Just by changing the way I am eating, and thinking about eating has made me feel better towards the end of this week, and I anticipate getting up in the morning. Weight loss makes you want to get up in the morning and run to the mirror to see what has changed.

I remember at my skinniest back when I was around 16, I did the atkins diet, and I remember me ALMOST getting rid of my belly fat completely, and I could see my belly button. JEEEEZUZ CHRIST, I haven't seen my belly button for almost ten years! YIKES!

Things I'm learning:

  • Get rid of the sweets. They're the ones throwing me off track, and it's so easy for me to grab a hand full of oreos while I'm cooking dinner, which in the end doesn't benefit me.

  • Soups are awesome for late night cravings. Healthy Choice makes a quick microwave soup that is around 100 calories, and it helps curb any anxiety over stomach pangs. It beats ordering a bunch of white castle burgers, and feeling like shit the next morning. Talk about food hangover.

  • Try new things. Sure I hate bell peppers and mushrooms when I was kid, but now I'm finding they had a nice spice a texture to meals that would otherwise have been sloppy and boring. Plus the husband is gaining a fondness for heat to his meals, so I'm taking full advantage of this opportunity.

  • Don't give up on oldies. There's nearly a "healthfied" recipe for all those comfort foods you can't give up on. Eat better america is great for finding new ways, and healthier alternatives, so you don't have to give up everything.
  • Finally, the hard work will be worth it in the end. All I can keep saying in my mind is "Rockabilly sun dresses, rockabilly sun dress, rockabilly sun dresses!!"

This dress is even called "Tiffany" it has my name ALL over it. ;-)

Some egg recipes... I found EGGS-elent!

Yuuuuuuuuuum! I'm so hungry now, dangit!!

EggMcmuffin (300)
1/2 hashbrown (75)

Wendy's small chili and crispy chicken sandwich plain (550)


Turkey Tacos (400)
1/2 cup Brown Rice (150)

I might make up a dessert tonight, but it's still up in the air.

I was going to make jalapeno poppers, but I added up the calories and they're like 87 calories a piece...(thanks turkey bacon..sheesh) maybe for a snack on Saturday. Maybe I'll prep them tonight and get them ready to bake up.

Remember... eat safe.

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